MMA (Master of Agribusiness Management) academics synergize with Kana Cooperative to overcome problems related to sugarcane productivity in Agam Regency. Agam Regency, located in West Sumatra, is one of the sugarcane producing centers, but farmers face problems related to low productivity and yield. This condition makes it difficult for the sugar industry in the region to get a supply of sugarcane inputs and at a broader scope will have an impact on the performance of the sugar industry. This makes it necessary for collaboration between farmers, educational institutions, and government agencies to synergize and collaborate to overcome these problems. One of them is UGM through academics from the Master of Agribusiness Management Study Program, Prof. Irham, analyzing productivity problems and providing recommendations to improve cultivation techniques by introducing rigpit techniques. Ringpit is done by making a ring-shaped hole around the sugar cane plant. It is hoped that the ringpit technique can bring new hope for increasing productivity, as stated by the Director of Kana Indonesia Industri as a subsidiary of Kana Cooperative.