Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA UGM) students actively participated in The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Socioeconomics, Agribusiness, and Rural Development (ICSASARD 2024) organized by the Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The MMA students acted as committee members and presenters. Participation in the committee is for partimer students in the MMA Study Program whose task is to help prepare and also launch activities, while participation as participants and presenters is for active MMA students who have conducted research and then the results are published and disseminated in the ICSASARD. There are two students who became presenters, namely Adinda Rahmi Maulida with the research title Farmers’ Perception For Customized Sugarcane Fertilizer in Yogyakarta Special Region and also Angela Normauli Siregar with the research title Determinants of farm households’ organic rice consumption in Magelang. Both are fastrack students in the academic year 2023.
On October 17, 2024, the Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics of Gadjah Mada University held an international seminar “The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Socioeconomics, Agribusiness, and Rural Development” with the theme: Transformation towards Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems and Rural Development. The activity is located at The Alana Hotel & Convention center Yogyakarta is the second ICSASARD international seminar that has been held and managed to get 73 teams registered as participants and presenters from several countries namely Indonesia, Mozambique, Philippines, Australia, Ecuador, Hungary, and Japan. The activity took place from 07.00 to 16.00 with several events consisting of opening and welcoming remarks, keynote speech by Prof. Tsuyoshi Sumita, invited speakers namely Dr. Gomathy Palaniappan, Prof. Madya Dr. Juwaidah Binti Sharifuddin, and Mr. Anthony (Harm) Spoor which were conducted in a hybrid (offline and online), and parallel presentation section with 7 classes and 6 subthemes, namely:
Evaluation of the performance achievements of governance, governance, and cooperation aims to evaluate and analyze the performance achievements of UPPS periodically. The evaluation of the performance achievements of the performance of governance, governance, and cooperation of PS. Master of Agribusiness Management is presented as follows:
Evaluation of Performance Outcomes of Governance, Governance, and Cooperation
Registration of new student admissions for the Postgraduate Program for the Even Semester of the 2024/2025 Academic Year, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Academic Calendar of Master Program in Agribusiness Management Academic Year 2024/2025
The Master of Agribusiness Management Study Program routinely conducts satisfaction surveys to stakeholders, namely: (i) Students; (ii) Lecturers; (iii) Education Personnel and TU Staff; (iv) Service Partners; (v) Research Partners; (vi) Alumni Users. The results of the satisfaction measurement can be accessed at the following link:
On Friday, August 30, 2024, the Master of Agribusiness Management Study Program (MMA UGM) conducted a Workshop on Path Analysis Training Using R Software with Mrs. Kismianthi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D who is a Lecturer in the MIPA Study Program at Yogyakarta State University. The training is aimed specifically at MMA students, especially active students who are curious to get training in making path analysis. The activity was held in the MMA room (A10) Lt 2 South Wing and was attended by approximately 20 students. It is hoped that this activity can increase the knowledge of MMA students and help them primarily in analyzing data.
At the beginning of July, from Monday, July 1 to Wednesday, July 3, the 47th batch of Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA) students carried out Widyakarya to Malaysia. Widyakarya activities are carried out as a form of MMA’s enthusiasm in increasing student knowledge outside the classroom by conducting industrial visits. Not only knowledge is increased, but also the experience of visiting a foreign country makes this activity, which is one of the compulsory courses, very enjoyable. After the visit, students are obliged to make a report and present the results in class.
Dr. Ir. Lestari Rahayu Waluyati, M.P, who is familiarly called Ibu Lestari, promoted the UGM Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA) study programme at Universitas Islam Batik Solo (Uniba) on 12 June 2024 at 13.00 WIB. The event was opened with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ir. Muhammad Ihsan, M.P.
Ibu Lestari led the socialisation by explaining the vision, mission, number of courses, programmes and activities, facilities, and selection programme at MMA. Uniba Faculty of Agriculture students from three study programmes also attended this event. Ibu Lestari also encouraged Uniba students to apply using the LPDP scholarship or other scholarships. More complete information about registration and requirements can be accessed through the MMA website and Instagram.
The guest lecture of Master of Agribusiness Management held on Friday, May 31, 2024 online, presented one of the great speakers. Rikko Sajjad Nuir, S.E., M.Comm. working as Head of Finance of PT Inamas Sintesis Teknologi had the opportunity to provide knowledge to Master of Agribusiness Management students at a guest lecture with the theme “Digital Marketing and its Application in the Start-Up World”.
Digital Marketing is an effective and efficient way to reach a wide audience. Why is it important? Because digital marketing makes costs more effective, broad reach, precise targeting, analysis and measurement can be reached, and interaction with consumers is easier. He said that the 2024 Digital Marketing Trends that can also be applied in the agricultural business world include AI and automation for personalization and automation of marketing campaigns, video marketing as video content to be posted on tiktok, youtube, and instagram platforms, voice search for optimization and voice search with the increasing use of voice assistants, and interactive content: quizzes, surveys, and other interactive content to increase engagement. He said that digital marketing is key to achieving rapid and sustainable growth, offering flexibility, scalability, and data-driven decision making, and it is important to stay on top of trends and adapt to technological changes.