Dinda Amalia Gumay or often called “Gumay” is an S-2 student at the 49th batch of Master of Agribusiness Management [MMA UGM] who has a number of brilliant achievements in the field of modeling and art. Not only has academic intelligence, this LPDP scholarship recipient also has non-academic achievements that have been initiated since elementary school. To be where he is now, Gumay has had a long journey with ups and downs that have made him more passionate. For approximately 12 years in the modeling world, Gumay explained that he often faced results that did not meet expectations and had never won a title. However, the experience taught him to never give up and always enjoy the journey. Finally, Gumay’s efforts paid off when she won the title of Winner in the Miss Hijabie DI Yogyakarta 2023 Selection. From this experience, Gumay learned that enjoying the process is the key to growing and becoming a better person in the future.
Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA) Universitas Gadjah Mada conducted community service in the Menoreh Hills of Kulon Progo, precisely in Nglambur Hamlet, Sidoharjo Village, Kapanewon Samigaluh. Farmers in that location, farmers apply agroforestry farming practices, for example, sengon, mahogany, avocado, and durian trees that are tall, are planted on the same land as medium-sized coffee plants, and emponies. The MMA study program focuses on the cultivation of empon-empon to post-harvest management because this plant has been widely cultivated with several advantages, namely empon-empon can still grow even though it is shaded by taller plants, the selling price is stable, and does not require a special induction process. Furthermore, the empon-empon group has the potential to be developed as a value-added product.
Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA) UGM has received Superior Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education based on the Decree of the Director of the BAN-PT Executive Board No.6731/SK/BAN-PTK/Ak.KP/M/XI/2024 which is valid until April 2025. In this activity, the Head of the MMA Study Program Dr. Ir. Lestari Rahayu Waluyati, M.P., expressed his gratitude for obtaining Superior Accreditation and also handed over the Accreditation certificate to the Management of the Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Prof. Dr. Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, M.Ec. Hopefully the MMA Study Program will be more advanced, victorious, and can produce masters in the field of agribusiness to build a Golden Indonesia 2045 which is sovereign in the food sector.
One of the alumni of MMA UGM batch 19 is Mr. Langgeng Wisnu A, S.P., M.Sc, QIA, CRGP, as the Head of Internal Audit Unit of Perum Bulog. Often called Mr. Langgeng, besides having an active career at Perum Bulog, he is also a sports enthusiast as the Head of SPI who has the task of being the Chairman of the Sports and Arts Advisory Board. Work obligations and sports activities have made him accustomed to preparing physically and mentally in the dynamic world of sports and work.
Mr. Langgeng has had a long career in Perum Bulog. However, he explains that it was the importance of his Master’s degree and the courses that MMA offered that opened up his career path. When summarized, here is Mr. Langgeng’s career journey:
On December 6, 2024, MMA UGM held a “Guest Lecture” with the theme “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Implementation in Research and Scientific Article Writing” which will be directly given by the expert, Dr.Eng. Ir. Sunu Wibirama, S.T., M.Eng., IPM who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University. This guest lecture aims to equip students, especially postgraduates, to be able to utilize AI appropriately and wisely to support the writing of scientific articles. Therefore, this guest lecture was also attended by many S-3 students of Agricultural Sciences UGM.
Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA UGM) on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 invited Mr. Langgeng Wisnu A., S.P., M.Sc., Head of Internal Supervision Unit of Perum BULOG as a guest speaker in a Guest Lecture with the theme of Maintaining Food Security Through Government Food Reserves. The activity was aimed specifically at Master of Agribusiness Management students batch 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49. This activity took place offline at the MMA Auditorium. The activity began with the opening by the Head of the Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Dr. Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, M.Ec.
Workshop with the theme “Increasing Motivation to Graduate on Time”
Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA UGM) on Friday, November 22, 2024 invited Gideon Surya P., S.Kom. PLT, a professional trainer as a resource person in the Workshop with the theme “Increasing Motivation to Graduate on Time”. The activity was aimed specifically at students of Master of Agribusiness Management batch 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49. This activity took place offline at the MMA Auditorium The activity began with the opening by the Head of the Department of Agricultural Social Economics Dr. Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, M.Ec.
Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA UGM) on Monday, November 18, 2024 invited Prof. Wirawan Dony Dahana as a Lecturer at Osaka University (Professor of Marketing at Osaka University) as a guest speaker in the Guest Lecture activity with the theme Consequence of Dual Certification in Functional Market. The activity was aimed specifically at Master of Agribusiness Management students and was open in general for S-1, S-2, and S-3 levels. Therefore, MMA facilitates hybrid guest lectures via zoom for undergraduate levels and offline located in the MMA Auditorium for postgraduate levels. The activity began with the opening by the Head of MMA Study Program Dr. Ir. Lestari Rahayu Waluyati, S.P., M.P. and was also moderated by Prof. Jamhari.
MMA (Master of Agribusiness Management) academics synergize with Kana Cooperative to overcome problems related to sugarcane productivity in Agam Regency. Agam Regency, located in West Sumatra, is one of the sugarcane producing centers, but farmers face problems related to low productivity and yield. This condition makes it difficult for the sugar industry in the region to get a supply of sugarcane inputs and at a broader scope will have an impact on the performance of the sugar industry. This makes it necessary for collaboration between farmers, educational institutions, and government agencies to synergize and collaborate to overcome these problems. One of them is UGM through academics from the Master of Agribusiness Management Study Program, Prof. Irham, analyzing productivity problems and providing recommendations to improve cultivation techniques by introducing rigpit techniques. Ringpit is done by making a ring-shaped hole around the sugar cane plant. It is hoped that the ringpit technique can bring new hope for increasing productivity, as stated by the Director of Kana Indonesia Industri as a subsidiary of Kana Cooperative.
Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA) Study Program on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 has conducted a Follow-up Meeting of AMI Visitation (Internal Quality Accreditation) of MMA Study Program. The meeting was chaired by the head of the MMA study program, Dr. Ir. Lestari Waluyati, S.P., M.P. with the main agenda being to discuss the results of the AMI visitation that had been carried out some time ago. The meeting was attended by several lecturers of the Department of Agricultural Social Economics and also part time. Based on the findings of the AMI visitation, there are two discrepancies, namely related to: 1) Criterion II.5 Laboratory Facilities (The Department does not yet have certified laboratory personnel/assistants) and 2) III.3 Number of Foreign Students (MMA Study Program does not yet have foreign students). The discrepancy then becomes the main point of discussion to improve the quality of the study program. In addition, other criteria such as Student and Education Criteria are good and have several kinds of improvement opportunities. It is hoped that the AMI review visitation meeting will be one of MMA’s steps to continue making improvements.