Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA) Universitas Gadjah Mada conducted community service in the Menoreh Hills of Kulon Progo, precisely in Nglambur Hamlet, Sidoharjo Village, Kapanewon Samigaluh. Farmers in that location, farmers apply agroforestry farming practices, for example, sengon, mahogany, avocado, and durian trees that are tall, are planted on the same land as medium-sized coffee plants, and emponies. The MMA study program focuses on the cultivation of empon-empon to post-harvest management because this plant has been widely cultivated with several advantages, namely empon-empon can still grow even though it is shaded by taller plants, the selling price is stable, and does not require a special induction process. Furthermore, the empon-empon group has the potential to be developed as a value-added product.
The service activities were preceded by research on “Local Wisdom and Community Resilience to Climate Change in Kulon Progo” in 2022-2024 chaired by Arini Wahyu Utami, P.hd. and then continued with “Community Service: Agribusiness Development and Empon-Empon Value Added” in 2024 and ”Community Service: Increasing Empon-Empon Added Value through Making Ready-to-Sell Products” in 2025. This community service activity aims to train members of farmer groups and KWT so that they can cultivate and manage ginger and turmeric properly. The technical cultivation training process is also accompanied by agronomists who are experts in empon-empon cultivation.
In the cultivation technical assistance session, farmer groups and KWT were assisted to conduct seed selection, nursery, and land preparation. The ginger and turmeric seeds prepared were certified seeds. Seed sowing begins with drying. The drying is carried out independently by farmer groups and KWT who are accompanied through whatsapp by agronomists. Next, cutting and fungicide application were carried out, accompanied directly by the agronomist at the location. Land preparation has been carried out by farmer groups and KWT on a 200 m2 demonstration plot. In addition, seeds were also brought by members of farmer groups and KWT to practice directly at their respective homes.
After the planting is done, the MMA Study Program has a follow-up plan in 2025 which is related to post-harvest. The follow-up plans that have been prepared are as follows:
1. Continue technical assistance for empon-empon cultivation until harvest.
2. Develop a post-harvest activity plan (drying) empon-empon until the product is ready for sale.
3. Conducting extension activities on cardamom cultivation