Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA UGM) on Monday, November 18, 2024 invited Prof. Wirawan Dony Dahana as a Lecturer at Osaka University (Professor of Marketing at Osaka University) as a guest speaker in the Guest Lecture activity with the theme Consequence of Dual Certification in Functional Market. The activity was aimed specifically at Master of Agribusiness Management students and was open in general for S-1, S-2, and S-3 levels. Therefore, MMA facilitates hybrid guest lectures via zoom for undergraduate levels and offline located in the MMA Auditorium for postgraduate levels. The activity began with the opening by the Head of MMA Study Program Dr. Ir. Lestari Rahayu Waluyati, S.P., M.P. and was also moderated by Prof. Jamhari.
Prof. Wirawan Dony Dahana explained about the role of marketing in marketing, especially the marketing of functional foods that play a good role for endurance. The subject matter in functional foods is marketing activities that must be carried out by companies, one of which is by providing “labeling”. In order to understand more deeply, Prof. Wirawan Dony Dahana provided a case study in Japan related to labeling in functional foods. In Japan, there are two labeling systems, namely “Foshu” but it has not been effective and efficient and “FFC / Food With Function Claims” which improves the Foshu policy.
Based on the results of research conducted by Prof. Wirawan Dony Dahana, the impact of the labeling system between Foshu and FFC is not much different (in terms of sales). The only difference is the cost, where FFC is cheaper than Foshu. Furthermore, based on the research, it is also found that people cannot distinguish between Foshu and FFC products because there is no difference. Therefore, it can be concluded that the government (especially the relevant departments) should not provide dual labeling that has differences in cost and differences in complexity.