Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA) UGM has received Superior Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education based on the Decree of the Director of the BAN-PT Executive Board No.6731/SK/BAN-PTK/Ak.KP/M/XI/2024 which is valid until April 2025. In this activity, the Head of the MMA Study Program Dr. Ir. Lestari Rahayu Waluyati, M.P., expressed his gratitude for obtaining Superior Accreditation and also handed over the Accreditation certificate to the Management of the Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Prof. Dr. Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, M.Ec. Hopefully the MMA Study Program will be more advanced, victorious, and can produce masters in the field of agribusiness to build a Golden Indonesia 2045 which is sovereign in the food sector.
Arsip 2024:
18 December
One of the alumni of MMA UGM batch 19 is Mr. Langgeng Wisnu A, S.P., M.Sc, QIA, CRGP, as the Head of Internal Audit Unit of Perum Bulog. Often called Mr. Langgeng, besides having an active career at Perum Bulog, he is also a sports enthusiast as the Head of SPI who has the task of being the Chairman of the Sports and Arts Advisory Board. Work obligations and sports activities have made him accustomed to preparing physically and mentally in the dynamic world of sports and work.
Mr. Langgeng has had a long career in Perum Bulog. However, he explains that it was the importance of his Master’s degree and the courses that MMA offered that opened up his career path. When summarized, here is Mr. Langgeng’s career journey: