Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA) Study Program on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 has conducted a Follow-up Meeting of AMI Visitation (Internal Quality Accreditation) of MMA Study Program. The meeting was chaired by the head of the MMA study program, Dr. Ir. Lestari Waluyati, S.P., M.P. with the main agenda being to discuss the results of the AMI visitation that had been carried out some time ago. The meeting was attended by several lecturers of the Department of Agricultural Social Economics and also part time. Based on the findings of the AMI visitation, there are two discrepancies, namely related to: 1) Criterion II.5 Laboratory Facilities (The Department does not yet have certified laboratory personnel/assistants) and 2) III.3 Number of Foreign Students (MMA Study Program does not yet have foreign students). The discrepancy then becomes the main point of discussion to improve the quality of the study program. In addition, other criteria such as Student and Education Criteria are good and have several kinds of improvement opportunities. It is hoped that the AMI review visitation meeting will be one of MMA’s steps to continue making improvements.